Friday, April 17, 2009

Loot system? We don't need no stinking loot system!

Ok so the other night we are in Naxx 25, after having wasted about an hour trying Flame Leviathan without reading anything about the fight at guild leader's request. Now, being a mage, there is a trinket from Naxx that I have been craving for a while, namely, Dying Curse. On that page, you can see that it drops not-so-often. I have been saving rp and running every week to ensure that I would get that item, when and if it dropped. I have also made it clear to other guild members that that is one of about two things from Naxx-25 I need. So the other night, we start doing spider wing and after the first boss, RL/GL says we're just going to do pure rolls. Obviously, people grumble about it. And of course, the trinket drops off of Maexxna and I don't get it. Needless to say, I was pretty miffed, especially since the trinket went to an already-epicc'ed shadow priest who doesn't come close to my mage dps even when I have this equipped on boss fights.
I sent a tell to GL politely saying I didn't really see the logic in using pure rolls when there were still people who had major upgrades. He told me to "relax," saying that he didn't feel like keeping track of rp and "it would drop again." For the rest of the night, he proceeded to give items to whoever he felt like, citing "need" as his reason, meaning that people who did get the highest rolls didn't receive items. One retadin lost three times to a tank who was getting gear for his dual spec and quit the guild. He came back, so I think he must have convinced the GL to change the rules or something, but almost everyone in the guild was upset about it. Anyway, there's always next week.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

WTB Off-tank?

So, I was going to write about how people on WoW are different from people in real life, but I can write about that any time and I will maybe forget about this little gem.

There is a player in my guild who is very vocally misanthropic.  It's the Internet, so who isn't?  However, last raid he did some stuff that I thought was fairly inexcusable.  We started out doing Sartherion because we didn't have enough people on to try Kel'Thuzad.  He was supposed to be off-tanking.  However, when we went into the portals, there was no tank to be found.  At one point, I could see the main tank list and he was targeting another player; I suspected he had to AFK and put on auto follow or something but why not just say that so another tank would know to pick up the mobs?

Then, when we did get to KT, we were having some trouble getting started, basically just making some stupid mistakes.  At one point, when he could tell we were going to wipe, he bubble-hearthed because he didn't think he should have to pay the repair bill.  But apparently all of the rest of us should?  It's not like he was doing everything perfectly and every single other person screwed up. I'm pretty sure you'd get shot in Vegas for that.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Malygos laughs at your blues

Seriously, you know what chaps my hide? When someone suggests we try EoE and people who have mostly blues immediately say, "I'll go!" No, no you won't.
We got him down to 13% last week and then promptly couldn't get past phase 2 again. It's really frustrating because we have people who can do it, they just have no stamina. After 3-4 wipes, the guild just won't try it anymore. We did finally down KT though. They had me calling out the ice blocks, and I didn't eff it up too badly.
So, you ask, why do I stay with them? If I'm so amazing, why do I put up with a guild that is, yes, "holding me back?" Because I love them. I have made so many friends in the guild and they took a chance on an undergeared, weird-spec noob mage and made me into the vixen that I am today. I get really frustrated by some of the people in it and some of the policies but I'm not sure I could ever leave them.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Minimal Update

Alright over spring break I was too lazy to update this thing but not to lazy to get some achievments. I got my Wintersaber Trainers rep to exalted, the Timbermaw, then Sporeggar, at which point I got The Diplomat and 15 exalted reputations. I also got Twilight Assist, which was surprisingly easy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kel'Thuzad's Not-so-imminent demise

URG!  Being in a guild that never logs on can be frustrating.  Last night we wiped on Kel'Thuzad and one of the times, we got him down to 4%.  If we had had 25 people instead of 21 or 22 or whatever, he would have been dead and I would have had a shiny new Fall of Naxxramus heroic achievement to link in chat.  However, people just aren't always on the ball.

In good news, I got in on a Glory of the Hero group today.  We ended up only doing three instances, but I thought it was pretty cool because they were armory-ing people before allowing them into the group.  We did UK, UP, and Nexus.  I got the On the Rocks achievement, Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi, King's Bane, and Chaos Theory.  We failed on Split Personalities, sadly.  I still have so many more to do.  Our tank was apparently just a nice guy because he already had the red proto-drake.  I do feel that this achievement and mount is within my grasp, I just have to find people willing to put in the effort.

What I liked about this group, which was made up of people from super awesome raiding guilds, people who had the Immortal title and gear from EoE, was that they were willing to wipe until they did something right.  There was no "calling it" just because things didn't go our way one time.  We tried Chaos Theory 4 or 5 times before we actually got it down.  There are people in my guild who are willing to do that, but there aren't 25 of them.  Anyway, I am secretly hoping that they invite me to do more achievements with them at some point, because that would be really awesome!

Friday, March 13, 2009

On Mounts

Here is where I express my frustration about the various mounts that I don't (or do) have.

1. Let's start with the one I do have. The bronze drake. As we all know, you get this from running Culling of Stratholme on heroic within the time limit. I tried to do this a lot before I got it. Of course, my husband had it before I did. He didn't even win the role and some "nice guy" from our guild gave it to him. And later said he didn't do it just to annoy me, but he wished he had. So anyway, I mentioned that my husband kept whispering his mount to me and then everyone else in the guild starts whispering me their cool mounts. The next time I ran it that we killed the extra boss, this other mage got the mount, although he is probably the best mage in our guild and just a cool dude so I wasn't that ticked. Then, when I finally got the group to take me through to get it, our guild leader was like, "Wow Vieretta, that was really easy."

2. The Polar Bear. Ok, so I don't actually do the Brunnhildar daily every day, which I guess significantly decreases my chance of getting this mount, but I try to do it when I'm on. Of course, my husband got this one before me, too.

3. The green proto drake. My husband doesn't have this one yet, only one person in my guild does at the moment, but I'm sure my husband will get this one first too, even though I was revered with the Oracles long before he. Even though my hearth is in Sholazar, I often forget to get a new egg when my old one hatches so I probably could have fit in 1-2 extra tries if I bought the new egg as soon as I could. My own fault, I know, but I want something cool!

4. Ok, I do have something cool, and something that has a feat of strength achievement to accompany it. The problem is I can only use it in one place and I don't frequent AQ40 too often. But I do have the Red Qiraji Battle Tank, so I guess that's kind of cool because a bunch of ppl I was with only needed the red one and they said it was the rarest.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Inaugural Post

The point of this blog is to let the universe know what it is like to be a female gamer in a mediocre raiding guild on World of Warcraft, heretofore referred to as "WoW."  How relevant will it be that I'm female?  WHO KNOWS?!

Anyway, tonight we got our first Heroic Sapphiron kill.  It was only our 2nd try, too, and we were short-handed so that felt pretty cool.  Although this entire week our guild has been doing a lot better than we usually do, and I'm not sure why that is.  Although we showed our true colors when we attempted Kel'Thuzad several times and people couldn't figure out how not to stand next to each other.  Maybe tomorrow night.

Then we did a half guild/half pug Heroic Archavon.  Went well but I was only 3rd in damage done and 2nd in DPS.  An arcane mage should do better than that.  At least I did better than the other mages, only one of whom was doing even remotely what he should have.  I mean, come on, a 20 arcane/51 frost pve?  And an FFB spec who was spamming fireball?  I didn't know people even cast those anymore.

I didn't get any fat loots, but I got some badges and an achievement, so I guess that's all you can really ask for.  Tune in next time, when I rant about my lack of polar bear/green drake.